A child asking a question in a education setting

How Adobe Acrobat Sign Helps Universities Transform Digitally

Micromail can help you discover everything that’s possible with Adobe Sign
  • 8 February 2023

Universities and higher education institutions rely heavily on paper documentation, and that comes at a high price for their finances, reputation, security and carbon footprint.

From employee onboarding to student enrolment and financial transactions, the form filling that goes on behind the scenes of every educational institution is extensive.

Thankfully, with Adobe Acrobat Sign, institutions of higher education can effectively address the paperwork challenges they face today and in the future. By offering electronic signatures, schools and universities can automate their paper-based documentation systems and provide students with a digital documentation experience. You can view and legally sign documents from any device, anywhere, anytime. No accounts or logins are required.

Adobe Acrobat Sign is a cloud-based service made to cater to a host of industries, including educational institutions. It is simple, efficient, and legally binding. Because Adobe Acrobat Sign uses encryption, it is more secure than traditional methods. Using it is also easier than using traditional methods, and that is why Adobe Acrobat Sign is the preferred supplier of digital document solutions to some of the UK and Ireland’s most prestigious educational institutions.

In this post, we explain how Adobe Acrobat Sign can help universities to increase their efficiency on both an academic and administrative level.

Most Popular Use Cases of Electronic Signatures in Education

Universities and other educational centres can implement Adobe Acrobat Sign for a number of use cases, including the following:

  • Registration of new students
  • Signing of academic research documents
  • Grades reports
  • Scholarship applications
  • Student loan documents
  • Financial aid paperwork
  • Staff employment contracts
  • Contracts
  • Offer letters
  • HR documents
  • Course enrolments
  • Permission slips
  • Leave applications
  • Progress reports
  • Timesheets

Benefits of Implementing Adobe Acrobat Sign in Educational Institutions

Educational institutions that employ digital methods of documentation, including electronic signatures, stand to benefit greatly from these solutions.

Here are some of the advantages of leveraging Adobe Acrobat Sign in higher education institutions:

Saves Time and Resources

Processing physical documents requires a lot of time, effort, and money. Electronic signatures can help reduce the costs associated with printing documents. There will also be a decrease in stationery costs for paper and ink, as well as printing equipment such as printers and scanners. Switching to a paperless process also leads to a lot of indirect savings from not having to use printers and fax machines.

Furthermore, dealing with mountains of paperwork can be a time-consuming task, especially in the education industry. Printing, signing, transferring, and storing documents comes with a lot of human effort. Universities can automate their processes by implementing electronic signature solutions like Adobe Acrobat Sign. Not only does it save human efforts and monetary costs, but it ensures that work is done faster and without the documents being at risk of being tampered with.

It is Trusted and Compliant

Unlike paper-based signatures, electronic signatures are supported with many layers of security processes that make them difficult to forge. In addition to providing enhanced security, electronic signatures also protect student information in databases against theft. An important benefit of electronic signatures is that they provide audit trails that help in monitoring all the crucial details of a signature.

The use of electronic signatures also reduces the chances of tampering or forgery when a document is posted to be signed offline. In order to protect confidential and sensitive documents, universities and other educational institutions can implement a verification system of electronic signatures through biometric data.

It is Environmentally Friendly

Consider the carbon footprint associated with obtaining a signature. Using electronic signatures eliminates the need to travel. By simply using your computer or mobile phone, you can sign from anywhere in the world. In addition to eliminating the need to travel for placing handwritten signatures, electronic signing significantly contributes to achieving a paperless office. It leads to decreased usage of paper, and lowers your institution’s CO2 emissions, helping to preserve our planet.

Improves Inter-Departmental Efficiency

Projects that go through multiple departments typically require authorisation from several parties. This includes everything from interdepartmental documents to internal forms. Instead of dealing with printers, scanners, and fax machines to add signatures to documents, you can simply use Adobe Acrobat Sign. The use of electronic signatures has become a standard practice in many educational departments, including those of administration, finance, operations, and other internal departments.

Protects the Brand Image of the Institution   

The majority of students, parents, and teachers/professors prefer to do almost everything digitally today. Students prefer learning institutions that enable them to interact digitally and are unconvinced by those that do not.  Using an innovative technology that is environmentally friendly and keeps your operations digital will ensure your institute is seen as progressive.


The rapid adoption of digital technologies, like Adobe Acrobat Sign, that speed up paper-based processes and improve the student and staff experience, should be part of your strategy for success. Any educational institution that deems itself as progressive shouldn’t be left behind in implementing electronic signatures in its operations.

Adobe Acrobat Sign is the future of document signing, and it is revolutionising the way educational institutions do business. Available to purchase via Micromail through the Adobe Value Incentive Plan (VIP) program, Adobe Acrobat Sign can save schools and universities both time and money by automating the presentation and signing of documents.

If you are ready to discover everything that’s possible with Adobe Acrobat Sign, contact Micromail here.