Back in October 2019 Micromail secured a position on the Irish Government Framework Agreement for the provision of Microsoft Licensing Services with the contracting authority being the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. This is a very select framework with only 3 Microsoft LSP’s (Licensing Solution Provider) in total having secured positions. Services available from Micromail under the framework include the purchasing of Microsoft licenses plus Microsoft licensing and SAM consultancy services.
Under this new Framework Micromail also secured single supplier status for the Initial Agreement which means for the first year of the framework clients with a provision of Microsoft Licensing Services up to the value of €144,000 (Ex VAT) can contract directly with Micromail.
Framework clients (Central Government Departments, Local Authorities and Government Agencies and Organisations) can continue to receive the high levels of service and expert advice they have become accustomed to receiving from Micromail through previous frameworks.
To learn more, please contact your dedicated Micromail account manager, email or call 0214515590.