The smartest JavaScript IDE that uses the full power of the modern JavaScript ecosystem. WebStorm is a powerful IDE for JavaScript development which helps you write high quality code quickly, regardless of how complex your projects might be.
Our partner, JetBrains, truly value customer feedback and collect this through various channels. One of these channels is their Early Access Programs or EAP which allows customers to use the pre release builds of JetBrains products such as WebStorm. You can use the EAP to evaluate features of the product, report bugs and suggest new features which will then be available for the next release.
There are many advantages of participating in JetBrains EAPs which we outline below:
- Your organisation will be on of the first to try out the latest enhancements and newest features. Everyone else will only get to try these out once the stable version is released.
- Your organisation will have an impact on the product development which can be amended based on feedback that you have provided. JetBrains often change aspects of the product or decide to not turn on certain features in a stable release due to the feedback received from EAP users.
- Get awarded for sharing your feedback where you may be able to get a free WebStorm licence. When the EAP ends, JetBrains review all customers who have reported problems on their issue tracker and give away free licenses to the most active users.
- The EAP allows you to use pre release versions of JetBrains products for free.
- The EAP happens three times a year, normally starting at the end of January, May and September and will usually last two months.
JetBrains value their customers feedback so much so and it is that customer centric mindset that drives their creation of the strongest, most effective developer tools around.
View JetBrain’s Early Access Programs (EAP) here
To discuss how WebStorm can add value to your organisation talk to you regular Micromail account manager or email to organise a call.