Did you know that since 2019 Microsoft have had a Power Platform daily usage limit per user in place? See Requests limits and allocations – Power Platform | Microsoft Docs

It is unlikely that you knew this as the limits have not been enforced, that is until now!! With the go live in May 2022 of Power Platform Request usage reporting in the Power Platform Admin Centre, Microsoft have now started the 6 month countdown to enforcement so impacts will be seen in late 2022. The result may mean ordering capacity add-ons for your high activity users.

Transition Period

Over the coming six month transition period, request limits will be higher than final enforcement limits.

Performance profile
Limits during transition period
Limits after transition period


Looking at the impacts on specific licence types the Dynamics Team Member users are certainly ones to look at closely as the limits during transition are set at 100K but drop to 5K on enforcement!!


During the transition period review and understand the reports now available in the Power Platform Admin Centre, analyse your data for trends and identify users who exceed the daily usage limitations.

Useful Microsoft Docs Resources:

Requests limits and allocations

Requests limits and allocations – Power Platform | Microsoft Docs

Transition period

Types of Power Automate licenses – Power Platform | Microsoft Docs

View detailed Power Platform request usage information in the Power Platform admin center (preview)

Requests limits and allocations – Power Platform | Microsoft Docs

What counts as Power Platform request?

Types of Power Automate licenses – Power Platform | Microsoft Docs

Frequently asked questions

Requests limits and allocations – Power Platform | Microsoft Docs


To discuss more on the Microsoft Power Platform please talk to your regular Micromail account manager or email our dedicated Microsoft Licensing Team on info@micromail.ie to organise a call.

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